MAME4droid (0.139u1) Emulator is available to download for MAME. This emulator works in maximum quality on the Android platform and is developed by Seleuco. Download MAME4droid (0.139u1) to play MAME ROMs on your device. Cross-platform MAME Emulators are available only at for multiple platforms to run your games.
This game (rom) is for your Mobile phone with Android system. For download emulator go to Playstore and you have to find " MAME4droid " emulator version (0.139u1). Our games are 100% working only with this version !!! Dont use difrent version !!! For example 0.37b5 or other ones. If ( rom ) is downloaded, you have to find folder MAME4DROID in your mobile phone. Open this forlder and now you have to find folder (roms) And in the end copy downloaded game to this folder. Have fun !
MAME4droid 0.139u1 ROMs